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Printers can help children with autism navigate their world

Autism Spectrum Disorders ( ASDs ) are a set of developmental disabilities that, according to the US Center for Disease Control, affect as many as 1 in 68 children across the country.

People living with this condition can range from low to high functioning, and there are a variety of therapies that can make a big difference in their lives. Fortunately, materials produced by printing companies can play a large role in this.

One of the items that many parents find very useful in helping their children is social stories. These short written pieces often include illustrations and are designed to teach what to do in a variety of social situations. A firm that provides printing services can create these stories in whatever format they would find most useful, which can also be used in an educational setting.

Speech difficulties can be an issue for some children with autism, and a device that can really make a difference is a pacing strip. This is something that can be placed on a child’s desk at school or at home, and they can refer to it as a reminder to themselves to speak slowly and clearly. A print company can laminate it, so that it will last throughout the year and can easily be moved as needed without damaging it.

Having an autism spectrum disorder can be challenge for both a child and their caregivers, but a few simple items created by a printer can make a big difference in their life.